Energy saving refrigeration solution supplier since 2004.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   


The kinds of condenser

Condenser according to the cooling medium and cooling methods, can be divided into water cooled and air cooled, water and air cooled a combination of three types.

1, water cooled condenser

the refrigerant in the condenser heat release was taken away by the cooling water, cooling water can flow, also can be recycled. When the loop when using, need to set the cooling tower or cooling pool. Water cooled condenser shell and tube type, bushing, plate and so on several kinds of types.

2, air cooling condenser

the refrigerant in the condenser's heat taken away by air, refrigerants condensation in tube. This type of condenser has a natural convection air cooling condenser and forced convection air cooling condenser. Usually, the air cooling condenser is also called air cooling condenser.

3, water and air cooling condenser

the way of refrigerant in the condenser heat away by air cooling water to drink at the same time, the cooling water outside the pipe, spray evaporation absorbs the latent heat of vaporization, make the tube refrigerant cooling and condensation, so less water consumption. In this type of condenser water condenser and evaporative

the kinds of condenser

condenser according to the cooling medium and cooling methods, can be divided into water cooled and air cooled, water and air cooled a combination of three types.

1, water cooled condenser

the refrigerant in the condenser heat release was taken away by the cooling water, cooling water can flow, also can be recycled. When the loop when using, need to set the cooling tower or cooling pool. Water cooled condenser shell and tube type, bushing, plate and so on several kinds of types.

2, air cooling condenser,

the refrigerant in the condenser's heat taken away by air, refrigerants condensation in tube. This type of condenser has a natural convection air cooling condenser and forced convection air cooling condenser. Usually, the air cooling condenser is also called air cooling condenser.

3, water and air cooling condenser

the way of industrial ice machine in the condenser heat away by air cooling water to drink at the same time, the cooling water outside the pipe, spray evaporation absorbs the latent heat of vaporization, make the tube refrigerant cooling and condensation, so less water consumption. In this type of condenser water condenser and evaporative condenser of two types.
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We persevere in keeping the customers pleasant and supporting them with cold room supplier at a reasonable price.
Just tell us your requirements, we can do more than you can imagine.
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