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The choice of split type cold water machine and box type cold water machine

According to the cold water machine whether bringing water tank, generally divided into cold water machine and box type cold water machine (separate Closed) 。 The selection of equipment is a comprehensive consideration question, need combined with cold water factory production capacity and customer demand, considering from the feasibility and economy. Cold water vendors would now want to introduce two kinds of classification equipment selection and system installation. Usually equipment selection is mainly based on its installation position, height of outlet.

1, cold water machine if cold water machine outlet position ( Mainly the tank location) Above the workshop process equipment location ( Including piping layout position) , you can choose split type cold water machine, according to the process equipment usage and the use of time can use the following systems:
(1), if the process equipment used for 24 hours a day, can directly use cold water machine through the pipeline to separate the workshop process equipment to provide cooling water;
(2), if the process equipment using cooling water amount is larger, and for continuous use, in order to ensure that equipment is not frequent start, prolong service life, can use cold water machine + separate heat preservation water tank.
2, box type cold water machine ( Closed)
if cold water machine outlet position ( Mainly the tank location) Below the workshop process equipment location ( Including piping layout position) , you must select box type cold water machine, in order to prevent downtime ( Stop the pump) After the pipe or workshop equipment in the process of cooling water flow back overflow tank ( Because the tank volume is small, and pipe flow back is two root canal, the overflow of the tank usually only a tiny tube) To damage the equipment. Such a case, according to the process equipment usage and also use the time to choose whether or not adding insulation water tank system. If you need to add insulation water tank, we should not only try to make it when installation position is high ( Not the sky high, consider maintenance etc. ) And water tank has a capacity of the choice, besides considering the process flow and equipment use time, consider how much water piping back.

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