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Soil compared with drying air drying of the lyophilizer

After drying of the microscopic structure of the soil tests need to sample, the traditional drying methods, the wind dry method, drying method, etc, there are soil sample volume contraction, change the state of the soil microstructure defect and cohesive soil with the decrease of moisture content, and its microstructure change, volume reduction. Conventional air drying method and drying method is easy to result in great changes of the microstructure of soil, can meet the test accuracy of microstructure research. And through the lyophilizer vacuum freeze-drying preparation of soil samples, ensure the dehydration been sample microstructure does not change.

soil lyophilizer and drying air drying method contrast:

the first is a air drying method. Due to the porosity of the liquid surface tension at room temperature, shrinkage cracking is often caused by soil samples, soil particle rearrangement, pore state change.

the second is drying method. Because the soil sample, the moisture migration when molecular fracture resulting from the uneven distribution of stress and volume shrinkage, under high temperature condition can also occur physics chemical action between the soil particles.

the third kind is lyophilization. Lyophilizer in low temperature environment soil samples first ice, liquid water into an amorphous state does not produce volume expansion, and then under the condition of low temperature vacuum let moisture sublimation discharge tube road system, makes the soil dry sample.
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