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Industrial cold water machine application in the field of science and technology

Industrial cold water machine adopts air cooling condenser, low noise fan, reliable operation. Industrial cold water machine free themselves with cold cooler without plus special water cooling tower, widely applicable to all kinds of water shortage and water temperature requiring high precision.

let's look at industrial cold water machine which can be used in the field of science, and industrial cold water machine can form a complete set in above what equipment?

industrial cold water machine application in the field of materials science: electron microscopy (sem), X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray fluorescence, magnetron sputtering, vacuum coating machine, molecular beam epitaxy, ICP etching, all kinds of semiconductor devices, fatigue testing machine, chemical deposition system, atomic deposition system and so on.

industrial cold water machine application in the field of physical sciences: laser equipment ( Various models) Various molecular pump, magnetic field, and include medical material field: low field nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), superconducting magnetic resonance (NMR), linear accelerator, CT, X-ray machine, and so on.

industrial cold water machine application in the field of chemistry, biological science: atomic absorption, ICP, ICP - MS, NMR, rotary evaporation device, CCD, biological fermentation tank, chemical reactor ( Synthesizer) And so on.

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