At Guangzhou Icesource Co., Ltd, if you want to get a quote, simply contact us directly via phone, email or instant message. Our service team will carefully listen to your requirements and, if needed, advise you by using many years experience and expertise to help you choose the right product. After all detailed information, such as the quantity, specification, delivery term, and so on, are confirmed, we will send you a quotation sheet. All charges will be listed specifically and clearly on the sheet.

As one of the most competitive enterprise, Icesource is famous for its Freon System
Tube Ice Machine and excellent service. The
Pure Ice Machine series is available in a wide range of types and specifications. The model of Icesource ice plate machine is designed using computer aided software such as CAD. This design approach allows our production team to complete the model in a few hours. The eco-friendly materials reach up to the food grade standard. To sum up,
tube ice machine has excellent quality, reasonable price, distinctive features and a predictable large circulation. The product is provided with one-year warranty.

Icesource adheres to the concept of customer first. Check it!