Freeze-dried food how to do?
Food freeze-drying equipment manufacturers as you summarized below:
fruit, for example, about freeze-dried food do:
a, freeze-dried pretreatment
1, fruit picking, clean;
2, remove skin and slice;
3, level off into food special tray inside the lyophilizer;
2, food lyophilizer operation
1, put the tray of good material, in the food inside the lyophilizer freeze-drying chamber;
2, close the food freeze-drying chamber of the lyophilizer storehouse door, open the device, vacuum freeze drying;
3, freeze-dried post-processing
1, waiting for food freeze-drying machine equipment to run automatically freeze-dried end of the program, open out the doors of the material;
2, select sealing good pot or bag vacuum preservation.
note: after freeze-dried food out, avoid long time exposed in air, in order to avoid the moisture regain of freezing and drying food, taste quality.