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Cold water machine the difference between cooling and water cooling and air cooling

Cold water machine according to the cooling way, Cold water machine the heat taken away) Different can be divided into air-cooled and water-cooled type two kinds, the cooling system of cold water machine through cooling medium cooling condenser, cooling medium can be gas or liquid, common cooling medium is water and air.

according to different types of cooling medium, the refrigeration system is divided into liquid cooled and air cooled. Gas cooling refrigeration system used for gas cooling medium, such as air, relying on gravity free convection heat transfer, it is called a free convection air-cooled, such as gas to air is called air cooled or air cooled. Such as air fan forced convection on heat transfer, it is called a forced convection and forced convection air cooled air cooled, can be used in large, medium and small refrigeration system. If liquid for water or oil, water cooled. Rely on water-cooled usually for forced convection, cooling water pump in the forced convection heat exchanger, water cooled refrigeration system with cooling water system. Cooling water system is the external system refrigeration system, and the water cooled condenser heat exchanger. Air-cooled refrigeration system is relatively simple, air-cooled condenser water relatively easy, but because the gas heat transfer coefficient is small, and therefore condensation temperature is higher.

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, specializing in the production of all kinds of refrigeration equipment, including chromatography freezers, freeze-drying machine, cold water machine, ultra-low temperature freezer, thermostat, etc. , first-class professional, first-class service, is your good choice!
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