Energy saving refrigeration solution supplier since 2004.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   


Cold water machine - Cold water machine in the vertical, horizontal injection molding machine injection molding industry calculation method of the application:

Domestic vertical, horizontal injection molding machine in normal temperature use cases, and water cooled chiller cooling water condensation temperature in 35 degrees, ( industrial ice machine condensing temperature in 43 degrees) When the match.
A: the first way:
1 HP water cooled chiller can match 80 tons of injection molding machine clamping force in 5 - temperature control 10 degrees;
1 HP water cooled chiller can match 100 tons of clamping force 10 - temperature control in injection molding machine 15 degrees;
1 HP 120 tons of water cooled chiller can match 15 - temperature control in injection molding machine clamping force 20 degrees;
( Include an air cooled chiller match 0 for water-cooled chillers. Eight times, i. e. , 1 HP can match the temperature of injection molding machine, 64 tons of clamping force control in 5 - 10 degrees. )
B: the second way:
1 HP water cooled chiller can match a single injection quantity for injection molding machine temperature control in 5-10 QZ 10 degrees.
injection quantity 1 qz = 28. 5 g
the result read summed up in the above formula. Besides using the above formula, the salesman should filter actual situation, choose the appropriate cold water machine.
C: match chillers and cooling towers,
based on previous actual via read 1 HP cold water machine needs a 1. 2 tons cold cooling towers can take away the heat generated by the cold water machine.
is frequently used by people in daily life since it can improve ice maker machine and ice maker machine.
If you are ready to stop the problem of ice maker machine and go back to normal, contact us at Icesource . Guangzhou Icesource Co., Ltd is ready to help you out.
Through our distribution and marketing competencies, Guangzhou Icesource Co., Ltd provides creative, customized, solutions for our customers. As a result, we achieve superior profit growth as the cold room supplier company of choice.
Just tell us your requirements, we can do more than you can imagine.
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